La Famille Bélier [2014] ★★★

 700x951_movie12768postersthe_belier_family-franceI’m a bit late coming to this movie, but having heard good feedback, I was looking forward to it. It’s easy to see why now. “La Famille Bélier” is a charming, funny film with winning performances; in short, a crowd-pleaser. Louane Emera (a semi-finalist in the second season of The Voice France) plays Paula, a young girl who lives with her deaf parents and brother. Paula is also a talented singer. And when her music teacher discovers her gift, he encourages her to participate in a prestigious singing contest in Paris. Director Éric Lartigau makes this comedy-drama appealing and genuinely touching at times.  And the actors bring their A game to this inspiring story as well. I knew I was having my buttons pushed so many times, but I still enjoyed watching the film. “La Famille Bélier” definitely earns its laughs honestly and cleverly. I daresay fans of french films will not be disappointed.

Rating: 3/4

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