Chef [2014] ★★★

Chef-2014-Movie-Poster1-650x955“Chef”, featuring all humans all the time, is the kind of comedy you root for even when you know it has nowhere else to go. It’s refreshing to see writer/director Jon Favreau go back to his indie roots, following a series of big Hollywood blockbusters like “Iron Man” and “Cowboys & Aliens”. He also plays the central character Carl Casper, a master chef at a chic L.A restaurant. When a famous food blogger (those bastards!) ruins his career, Carl finds himself without a job. The plot itself is so light a whisper could blow it away. But don’t let this bring you down. “Chef” is actually a delicious treat from start to finish. All the actors deliver the goods, with Favreau and the underrated John Leguizamo working the necessary magic. It’s the pleasure of their company that makes this a feel good movie. In his uniquely funny and unexpectedly tender ways, Favreau takes us on an unforgettable food journey. Don’t miss it.

Rating: 3/4

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